Escape Inventory


escape-inventory [CONFIG_FILE]

The Escape Inventory can be configured using a simple JSON or YAML file (default /etc/escape-inventory/config.json), and/or environment variables. If the provided configuration file does not exist the program falls back to the following default configuration:

  "port": "7770",
  "database": "ql",
  "database_settings": {
    "path": "/var/lib/escape/inventory.db"
  "storage_backend": "local",
  "storage_settings": {
    "path": "/var/lib/escape/releases"

This configures the Inventory with an ql database and a local file system storage backend, which is the recommended way to run the Inventory for development purposes. For production use we currently support a Google Cloud Storage backend and a Postgresql database.

Configuration Options

JSON/YAML field Environment Variable Default Description
port PORT 7770 The port to listen on.
database DATABASE ql The database to use (one of: ql, postgres).
database_settings . path DATABASE_SETTINGS_PATH /var/lib/escape/inventory.db The path to the database. Only relevant for the ql backend.
database_settings . postgres_url DATABASE_SETTINGS_POSTGRES_URL The URL to a postgres database. For more information see the documentation for the postgres backend.
storage_backend STORAGE_BACKEND local The storage backend to use (one of: local, gcs).
storage_settings . path STORAGE_SETTINGS_PATH /var/lib/escape/releases/ Where packages will be stored. Only relevant for the the local storage backend.
storage_settings . bucket STORAGE_SETTINGS_BUCKET The bucket where packages will be stored. Only relevant for the gcs storage backend.
storage_settings . credentials STORAGE_SETTINGS_CREDENTIALS This path points to the credentials for the GCS bucket. For more information see the documentation for the GCS storage backend.
basic_auth_username BASIC_AUTH_USERNAME escape The username for basic authentication. Only used when basic_auth_password is set.
basic_auth_password BASIC_AUTH_PASSWORD The password for basic authentication. When set this will require HTTP Basic Authentication on all requests.

Storage Backends

The storage backends are used to store and retrieve uploaded packages.

Local File Storage

The default way to use the Inventory is to have it store uploaded packages on the local file system. The destination path can be configured using the database_settings.path variable:

  "storage_backend": "local",
  "storage_settings": {
    "path": "/var/lib/escape/releases"

Using environment variables:


Google Cloud Storage

Stores uploaded packages in Google Cloud Storage. The credentials variable is optional, but should point to an existing service account json file if provided. The service account should have the “Storage -> Storage Admin” role. If no credentials are provided the Inventory is assumed to be running in GCP under the storage-rw scope.

  "storage_backend": "gcs",
  "storage_settings": {
    "bucket": "my-bucket",
    "credentials": "/my/secret/service/credentials.json",

Or using environment variables:

export STORAGE_SETTINGS_CREDENTIALS=/my/secret/service/credentials.json



This is the default database, which will work out of the box (provided the path is accessible) and will store the data on the local disk. The path is configurable using the database_settings.path variable:

  "database": "ql",
  "database_settings": {
    "path": "/var/lib/escape/inventory.db"

Or using environment variables:

export DATABASE=ql
export DATABASE_SETTINGS_PATH=/var/lib/escape/inventory.db


Postgresql can be configured using the postgres_url variable. Please see pq for the full connection string parameters.

  "database": "postgres",
  "database_settings": {
    "postgres_url": "postgres://user:pass@localhost/database?sslmode=disable"

Or using environment variables:

export DATABASE=postgres
export DATABASE_SETTINGS_POSTGRES_URL=postgres://user:pass@localhost/database?sslmode=disable